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Same Day Dental Implants: Procedure, Costs, Pros & Cons

What Are Same Day Dental Implants?

Same-day dental implants in Costa Rica are exactly what they sound like: dental implants that happen in a single day. Many might be confused as to how this is possible.

Dental implants in Costa Rica and in every place in the world are an invasive dental procedure. Surgery is required. Follow-up appointments are almost always part of any dental implant procedure. Not only that, but pre-dental implant procedures, like sinus lifts, are often also required.

Although all of this about implants is true, same-day implants are a real thing! Keep reading for all the information you must know about same-day dental implants.

How can dental implants be done in one day?

Let’s answer this question by discussing the differences between mini-dental implants and same-day dental implants. Mini-dental implants are implants that are much smaller than traditional dental implants. They’re often used in place of traditional implants for seniors and others who aren’t candidates for bone graft procedures.

Same-day dental implants are different than mini-dental implants. With same-day dental implants, the implant is placed onto the bone, either titanium or ceramic. Then, a tooth is placed the same day onto the dental implant. The tooth placed onto the dental implant isn’t permanent. Eventually, your dentist will affix permanent teeth onto the dental implants.

While mini-dental implants are good for individuals who can’t go through pre-dental implant procedures such as sinus lifts and bone grafts, same-day dental implants are only possible for individuals with strong bone. This is a major difference.

It’s important not to get confused between mini-dental implants and same-day dental implants. Same-day dental implants are only possible for individuals with a strong existing jawbone. Mini dental implants can be good for patients with a soft jawbone who can’t go through a bone graft procedure.  

Can you get a tooth pulled and an implant the same day?

The short answer is “yes”. The key is the strength of the jawbone. Immediate placement at the time of extraction requires an extremely strong jawbone. Enough strong bone is required to stabilize the implant. A strong jawbone is a requirement for any dental implant other than mini-dental implants and even then, bone cannot be too soft.

Also, there are other factors involved. For example, if the tooth extraction leads to a hole that’s too big for a dental implant, the dental implant can’t occur on the same day. Often, it takes time for a tooth extraction to heal.

That doesn’t mean that tooth extraction and a dental implant can’t occur on the same day. It just means that if the tooth extraction is the primary procedure, dentists will only think of the dental implant on the same day as a possibility and not as a foregone conclusion. That’s a good thing!

For more information about teeth extractions, check out WebMD.

Same-Day Dental Implant Procedures – Who Are Candidates?

Candidates for same-day dental implants are also good candidates for other dental implant procedures.

Strong bone

Only mini-dental implants, because of their size, are possible with soft bone. Strong bone is required for all dental implant procedures. For same-day dental implants, strong bone must already exist. If a bone graft is required, that must happen before any dental implant procedure, much less one on the same day.

Healthy tissue

Patients who wish to receive same-day dental implants must have healthy gum tissue. This means smokers and those who drink alcohol aren’t good candidates for same-day dental implants.

Non-teeth grinders

Teeth grinders are bad candidates for dental implants. Don’t worry if you grind your teeth. There are plenty of strategies, including wearing a night-guard, to help you stop grinding your teeth. Once you’ve stopped grinding your teeth, ask your dentist when you might be a candidate for dental implants.

No other medical conditions that can affect healing

Same-day dental implant procedures require patients that are in overall good health. If a patient has a medical condition that can affect the healing process, that patient will not be a good candidate for these implants.  

Same-Day Dental Implants Procedure Step-by-Step

Check out this step-by-step guide for same-day dental implant procedures:


Your dentist must know if you’re a good candidate for same-day dental implants. That starts with a consultation.

Exam before procedure

You must get a pre-procedure exam with a prosthodontist. The prosthodontist will come up with a treatment plan and prepare everything for the procedure. At this time, the dental clinic will also schedule the actual implant procedure.

Same-day dental implant procedure

On the day scheduled, the procedure takes place.

Follow up appointments

Like with all dental procedures, same-day dental implant procedures will require follow-up appointments. Because the teeth affixed on the implants most likely aren’t permanent, your dentist might put you on a soft food diet.

Permanent teeth placed on implants

Follow-up appointments are required to ensure everything is properly healing. Once your dentist makes that determination, you are ready for permanent teeth!

Pros and Cons of Same-Day Dental Implants

Like with traditional dental implants, there are pros and cons for same-day dental implants. Let’s walk through the pros first before getting to the cons.

Pros for Same Day Dental Implant Procedures

Cons for Same-Day Dental Implant Procedures

Although there are cons to receiving these implants, patient satisfaction and the overall emotional benefit means the pros outweigh the cons. Think about this: when you leave the dental clinic the day you receive your same-day dental implants, you will have functioning teeth! How great is that?

Why U.S. Citizens Should Consider Costa Rica for Their Same Day Dental Implant Procedures

There are benefits to getting same-day dental implants in Costa Rica as opposed to the United States. The obvious benefit is cost:

However, that’s not the only consideration to getting an immediate load dental implants in Costa Rica as opposed to the United States. The real benefit is cost-effectiveness and quality of care.

Costa Rican dental clinics and dentists are as professional as dental clinics and dentists in the United States. The quality of care, in many cases, can exceed what’s found in the U.S. Consider that when thinking about getting your same-day dental implants in Costa Rica.

How Care Overseas Can Help

At Care Overseas, our goal is to provide North American dental patients an end-to-end solution. We walk them through the entire process from finding a reputable dental clinic in Costa Rica, to scheduling their dental procedures, and to even helping find a place to stay in our country while their procedures are performed.

On the Care Overseas website, our dental clinic partners can provide you with an estimate. Call us at 888-788-2766 and a Care Overseas customer service representative will be happy to help!

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