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Root Canals in Costa Rica

Endodontics is one of the branches of dental treatments that has evolved the most in the past decade. The applications of endodontics have increased immensely improving the value and quality of dental treatment in general. Depending on the type of Endodontics treatment, its price in the U.S. can range from $150 at the extreme lowest up to $2000 on the higher end.

In Costa Rica, the field of Endodontics is highly advanced, and the quality of treatment and equipment rivals that of its counterparts in the U.S., U.K., and Europe. The area where it far bests Endodontics in these other countries and regions is how affordable it is. With dental professionals, whose credentials come from some of the best dental schools in the U.S., our recommended dentists provide the best treatment at the most affordable prices.

What is Endodontics?

Endodontics is the study and practice of clinical sciences involving the biology of the dental pulp (the inner tooth, the internal material of the tooth). It encompasses the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and injuries of the dental pulp as well as associated conditions. Endodontics involves the preservation of all or part of the dental pulp in healthy condition, or the removal of any of the pulp afflicted with irreversible disease.

Root Canals in Costa Rica

Less than 3% of dentists are endodontists. To become an endodontist, a dentist must complete an additional two or more years of training beyond dental school. The focus of this training is on diagnosing tooth pain and the performance of root canal treatment among other procedures related to the interior of the tooth. Endodontic treatment can often save a diseased tooth, which is why endodontists are considered specialists in saving teeth.

Endodontists are pain management experts, employing specialized techniques to ensure that patients are comfortable and relatively pain-free while undergoing treatment. They specialize in dealing with patients who are normally resistant to traditional numbing methods, ensuring that, no matter how resistant to anesthetics, a patient will be as thoroughly comfortable as possible during treatment.

Types of Endodontic Treatment

Endodontic treatment’s main concern is the removal of damaged, decayed pulp, cleaning and shaping the root canal system, disinfecting any contaminated root canals, and filling the root canal system to prevent reinfection and stimulate the tooth’s natural healing. The final aim of endodontic treatment is, through careful follow-up reviews after a procedure or series of procedures, to obtain evidence of a tooth’s full rehabilitation through healing and endure that there are no post-procedure lesions or reinfection.

Endodontic treatment is not just meant to treat pain and inflammation in teeth, but also to prevent any spread of damage or decay in the surrounding areas while promoting the natural rehabilitation of the mouth. Below are the main types of procedures and treatments Endodontics encompass.

Root Canal Treatment: Root canal treatment is the most common endodontic treatment procedure. The endodontist first isolates the tooth that is going to be treated with a special latex dam. A small incision or opening is made on the tooth’s crown so that the specialist can begin treating the tooth’s pulp, removing any diseased tissue, shaping the internal area and preparing it for filling. The endodontist then proceeds to fill the area with biocompatible material specifically designed for this kind of procedure. Depending on the extent of the procedure, a temporary filling is placed that will then be removed during a following visit when the tooth will be restored using a crown.

Endodontic Retreatment: Endodontic Retreatment refers to posterior treatment applied to a tooth that has had root canal treatment in the past, but for some reason has not been able to heal fully and properly. This treatment is much like a second chance for a tooth that has decayed despite prior treatment. Endodontic Retreatment essentially consists of reopening the previously treated tooth, practically disassembling the filling materials within it to have access to the root canals, cleaning the internal area while carefully examining with illumination and magnification equipment, and may even involve endodontic surgery if considered necessary by the endodontist. Once the procedure is completed, the specialist will fill and seal the tooth, placing a crown or similar restoration so that the tooth can be restored to its full function.

Endodontic Surgery: There are different types of Endodontic Surgery and their applications vary, as well. Surgery may be used as a diagnostic tool in cases of severe and persistent symptoms and problems that do not appear in X-rays. In some cases, calcification can cause the root canals to become too narrow or clogged. Teeth that have had root canal treatment but fail to heal properly, damaged root surfaces, and persistent inflammation can also require Endodontic Surgery. The most common type of Endodontic Surgery is called an apicoectomy or root-end section.

Traumatic Dental Injuries: Traumatic dental injuries tend to occur most commonly among children and teenagers, yet this does not mean that they can’t happen to adults. These can happen as a result of automobile accidents, falls, or sports mishaps. Damage to the pulp can take place in some of these situations and endodontics can effectively save badly injured teeth by repairing the internal structures.

Dental Implants: Implants come in many different materials, techniques, and presentations. What type of implant is best for a patient depends on how many teeth need to be replaced and what type of functionality is required. Dental implants go from single tooth, multiple tooth, full jaw, or full mouth. Implants are surgically inserted into the jaw bone and teeth are screwed onto these implants. To be eligible for Dental Implants as a treatment option, patients must have good gingival (gum) health and have acceptable bone density to house the implants.

There are diverse types of Endodontic treatment encompassed by the abovementioned kinds, all focused on eliminating tooth pain and inflammation, removing any damaged pulp, and preserving healthy pulp in the tooth. Please consult with one of our Endodontists to find out which treatment may be best for you.

Benefits of getting Endodontics

Endodontics can help you reduce or eliminate dental pain, cure inflammation, and remove any infection present in the pulp and root canals of your teeth. In many cases, teeth that are on their last legs can be brought back from the brink of complete decay thanks to the highly developed and advanced techniques our endodontists have at their disposal. Dental implants should be the last resort, and endodontic treatment can make implants a subject you may never have to contemplate by saving your natural teeth.

Costs of Endodontics

Endodontic treatment can vary greatly in cost. The type of procedure or treatment, as well as your country or region, will determine how much you need to spend to restore your teeth to full health. A therapeutic pulpotomy – a type of endodontic surgical procedure – can cost you $150 alone, not including the final restoration (sealing, crown, restoring tooth functionality). An apicoectomy can range from $600 to $700. With other procedures reaching $2,000 and surpassing that price, your dental health can become a rather costly proposition.

Root Canals in Costa Rica are considerably less expensive. Our highly educated specialists have graduated from some of the most reputable dental schools in the U.S. and have the experience and most advanced technology and equipment to provide you with the best dental care at a fraction of what it would cost you in your home country.

Things to Consider When Thinking of Getting Root Canals in Costa Rica

As with any dental procedure, proper dental hygiene is a must to maintain a tooth’s health. Regular brushing and flossing are essential. Where Endodontics are concerned, regular follow up and review of teeth that have had treatment is also important to guarantee continued optimal results.

Contact us to get more information about affordable Root Canals in Costa Rica.