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What to Eat After a Dental Implant

After Dental Implants, We Can’t Just Eat What We Want

Unless patients get mini-dental implants, it takes some time to heal after dental implant surgery. Dental implants are placed into our bone. After the healing process, a crown is placed onto the post, either titanium or ceramic. Once the crown is placed, the dental implant is ready for optimal use, but until the crown is placed, patients must be aware that they are healing from dental implant surgery.

Although we are healing after dental implant surgery, we’re also human beings, which means we’ve got to eat. What to eat, and what to avoid, are important information that every person who will or has undergone a dental implant procedure must know.

Check out info on the foods to consumer and the foods to avoid!

Avoid these foods after a dental implant

Before getting into what foods to avoid, it does us no good if we don’t drink plenty of water. Water hydrates us better than anything else. More importantly? Water is like the oil that keeps our engines, our bodies, running. Without water, we can’t digest food properly. So, think about this when deciding to drink tea, fruit juice, or water.

We’re trying to heal after a dental implant. That means we need to digest whatever we put into our bodies. Fruit juice and tea, although tea is healthy, doesn’t necessarily help with digestion. Load up on water and stay hydrated. That’s the first thing to remember.

Now, check out foods we most definitely want to avoid:

Eating these types of foods after a dental implant is all good

Here are the type of foods that are okay to eat after implant surgery.

7 Best Foods for Dental Implant Recovery

If you stick to the above list, you’re going to heal much faster than if you don’t. Make sure, above anything else, that you stay hydrated and eat non-processed foods.

With that being said, here are 7 foods that most definitely will help you recover from dental implant surgery:

Best Dental Implant Recovery Foods for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Here’s a good way to go about breakfast, lunch, and dinner after dental implant surgery.


2 to 3 soft-boiled eggs along with crushed watermelon and berries. Consider cornflakes in whole milk.


Steamed, boiled, or baked fish. Thinly sliced meat, turkey, or chicken if you prefer. Cut all meat up into thin slices. Steamed kale or broccoli.


Traditionally, we eat our largest meal at dinner time. This is due to American social norms more than what’s good for us. Lunch or breakfast should be the largest meal of the day. As a general rule, we don’t want to eat too much at night. We’re usually resting at night while our bodies are used to using the food we eat for energy.

With that being said, yogurt or a small bowl of cottage cheese for dinner is a good way to help our bodies. You can also eat crushed fruit and steamed vegetables for dinner.

It takes longer for our bodies to break down meat protein than protein from dairy products with probiotics. So, avoid meat at night if you can.

Thinking of Getting a Dental Implant Procedure in Costa Rica? Let Care Overseas Help!

If you are thinking of getting a dental implant procedure, or any dental procedure, you must consider Costa Rica. In addition to saving money, Costa Rica provides other benefits. It’s close to the U.S. mainland, which will save on travel costs. There’s also plenty to do in Costa Rica.

At Care Overseas, we believe everyone should have access to professional and affordable dental care. Our goal is to help U.S. and Canadian citizens find dental clinics and dentists in Costa Rica. We provide an end-to-end service. We help you get to our nation, find a place to stay while you’re here, and even provide tourism tips during your stay.

You can get quote on our site from one of our partner dental clinics. If you prefer to call a Care Overseas customer service specialist, our phone number is 866-778-2766.

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